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Corey has an "Excellent knowledge of the waste industry. We were able to reduce our waste cost by 80%" - Canadian Produce Company


Waste Disposal Savings Tips / Articles:3 Easy Steps To Slash Bottom-line Trash Cost & Reduce Pollution (U.S. & Canada). by Corey N. Coffelt


Most companies view trash disposal as a necessary evil. Few companies have someone in charge of managing waste material cost. Sometimes the accountant or purchasing manager put their current program out for competitive bid to area waste hauling vendors. A few other companies may actually use their own trucks to haul the trash to the landfill. What typically happens is the company calls local trash disposal companies or the city sanitation department to order a dumpster for trash service. What they don't realize is that significant savings (25-50%) may be achieved with the right service/equipment for their type of waste material, volume, and available service. Here are some general guidelines for managing your trash service. 1. Only sign a service agreement that is longer than month to month if special equipment is needed or savings may be achieved. 2. Strike out any automatic contract extensions, roll over or evergreen clauses. 3. Review your service periodically to make sure you have adequate service for the least amount of cost. Any of these cost savings tips should help you lower your monthly trash bill. Don't expect your trash vendor to point out the most cost effective program for you. Waste vendor sales representatives typically earn bonuses based on the net revenue they bring in. If you have questions contact an experienced Waste Disposal Consultant that has several years experience in the waste/recycle industry. Many offer programs that assist you with the design of savings alternatives for a small flat fee or a percentage of the actual savings.

Corey N. Coffelt -"24 Year Industry Veteran"


Waste Disposal Consultant vs.. Waste Broker - What is best for your company?

by Corey N. Coffelt Waste Disposal Consultants (WDC):


A Waste Disposal Consultant's services can range from very basic recommendations, to a comprehensive evaluation and analysis, or anywhere in between. WDC fees may be a percentage of the savings, a flat fee, or a combination of both. Comprehensive evaluation programs consist of analysis of the waste material from the point of generation within the facility through recycling or disposal in the landfill. Waste composition, handling methods, market conditions, equipment efficiency, labor cost, and available services are some of the data that is collected and used to develop alternatives designed to meet client objectives. These consultants have several years of waste disposal and recycling experience. The client contracts and pays the waste vendor directly. Waste Brokers:Generally speaking, a waste (trash) broker works with various businesses that have multiple locations and owners. Some examples are KFC, FedEx-Kinkos, Bank of America and Holiday Inn. The only thing they have in common is that they are all part of the waste brokers' inventory. The broker will then group some or all of these locations by geographic area to bid their waste disposal service out to area waste vendors, leveraging the group's volume for better pricing for the group. The broker fees may be a percentage of the monthly savings, a flat monthly fee, or any incentives (i.e. free service) that the waste vendor may offer or a combination of all. Broker's services include consolidated billing for customers who prefer one monthly invoice versus an individual invoice from each location. Brokers actually contract the services directly with a vendor. Many brokers also sell or lease equipment themselves.

Corey N. Coffelt -"24 Year Industry Veteran"

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